[ポケモンGO]大半年後的今天~終於迎來 Gen 2(第2代)啦!Pokemon storage 限時半價!
Pokemon Go 最近一次活動是情人節EVENT,內容意料之中是「雙經和某些精靈野外出現UP」(但竟然沒朱古力相關的東西XD)……由於沒有追等級的衝動,筆者一直都沒有重拾遊戲的動力──直至昨天(香港時間),N局的更新加入了第二代精靈!
精靈背包50格擴充道具(Pokemon Storage upgrades)限時半價!
GEN 2 內容更新逐個看~
16-02-2017 (PST) 更新公告
Pokémon GO updated to version 0.57.2 for Android and 1.27.2 for iOS
15-02-2017 (PST)
Additional Pokémon: More than 80 Pokémon ....
New Evolutions: There are now more opportunities to evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon GO than ever before. Some Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto region will soon be able to evolve—into Pokémon that inhabit the Johto region! Be on the lookout for new Evolution items at PokéStops, which you’ll need to evolve some Pokémon.
New Encounter Gameplay: When you encounter Pokémon in the wild, don’t be surprised if they react in new ways as you’re trying to catch them. You’ll....
New Berries: Pokémon enjoy eating Berries, and you’ll have the opportunity to get two new Berries by spinning the Photo Disc at PokéStops—Nanab Berries and Pinap Berries! Giving a Pokémon a Nanab Berry will slow its movements, making it easier to catch. The Pinap Berry doubles the amount of Candy you’ll receive if your next catch attempt succeeds.
-Nanab Berry(香蕉),可以減慢精靈的移動速度
-Pinap Berry(菠蘿),使用後若下一次捕捉成功,可以獲得雙倍糖果
New Avatars and an Expanded Wardrobe: Now you’ll be able to give your avatar a complete upgrade! Customize your look with a whole new selection of hats, shirts, pants, and other items.
P.S. 更新後,可視範圍好像變更廣更遠了,對機器的負擔倍增!
Pokémon GO,
Pokemon GO
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